Yingling Aviation reserves the right to refuse unauthorized returns.
Yingling Aviation must be notified of any discrepancies within 2 days of receipt of our shipment. Written notification is required prior to our making an adjustment. (Yingling Aviation will follow the Textron Aviation Return Policy)
Parts which MAY NOT BE RETURNED include, but are not limited to: hardware, manuals, all items under $50, all items specifically ordered or fabricated for a customer’s order, and any item modified, trimmed, painted or previously installed on an aircraft.
No returns after 30 days — NO EXCEPTIONS
Non-discrepancy returns subject to a 20% restock fee, $100 minimum/$1,500 per line max.
Core Deposits — do NOT need an authorization
8130 tags must accompany all returns — NO exceptions.
A $50.00 Textron Aviation Reprint Fee may apply for lost 8130 tags.
Once an order has been submitted to Textron Aviation, a restock fee will be applied to cancel or change that order. All cancellations subject to Textron Aviation approval. Yingling Aviation will provide written proof of cancellation only. We will no longer give approval for verbal cancellations.
2010 South Airport RdWichita, KS 67209
Local 1-800-854-2647 International 316-943-3246
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